Sunday, January 18, 2009

oh wow ok well my wonderful retard (kayleigh ann) has one of these and well i love it so haha

you know what I hate with a passion? When you sleep away half the day and its a weekend and then you're like dude where did the weekend go? I hate when I do that!


so what got me on my little rant was that I was tired so I thought "oh I'll just take a quick nap before dinner. :)" (yes I talk to myself in my head)
so I laid down on our lazy boy recliner and fell asleep around 4pm so my grandfather tried to wake me up at like 5:30 but I was out like a rock so he let me sleep. He woke me up at 10 and helped me get to my bed but I don't remember that. He said I walked like I was drunk, man I was like zoned out! any whooo so I woke up on Sunday at 9 and I was likee WHOO HOO its Saturday and my grandpas all "honey you slept away Saturday"

man hate those moments.

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